What is Coaching?
In today's episode you'll hear me say that having a coach is like having a secret power in your back pocket.
When you have a coach working with you, people will wonder: Wait, how did you do that?
They'll be so surprised to see how much you've changed.
Believe me: You really, really want this secret power.
On the Your Success Tonic podcast today, check out my conversation with Michelle. We discuss:
- What is coaching really?
- What can coaching help with?
- Michelle shares a major aha moment that she had during coaching that changed her relationships
Meet Michelle
Michelle Biala is a wife, a mom of four, and a Director of Project management. But that's not all! She also owns her own life coaching business, Choice of Mind Coaching where she partners with women who are stuck in the state of "I can't, I won't, I'm not" to navigate to a place of "I can, I will, I am" through the choice of beliefs, choice of thoughts, choice of mind By letting go of their limiting beliefs and choosing thoughts that serve them, Michelle's clients are able to free themselves to be more, to do more, and to have more in their lives.
What Coaching Can Help with
We all have goals we want to reach, challenges we’re striving to overcome and times when we feel stuck. That's why partnering with a coach can change your life, by getting you on a path to greater personal and professional fulfillment.
At some point on my journey I realized that all the people that I look up to, the people that I'm inspired by, the people whose lives look pretty fun* - almost every single one of them has a coach or a mentor.
And if you want some data on that:
According to an ICF survey among 27,000 respondents from 2017, coaching especially helps participants increase self-esteem, improve communication skills, increase productivity, optimize individual and team performance, and improve work/life balance.
​Learn more + apply for a free consultation here.
Mentioned in this Episode:
Michelle’s Instagram
Michelle’s Email
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