The Authenticity Gap: Why So Much Marketing is Falling Short

 Why So Much Marketing is Falling Short

If you’ve been following me for a while, chances are you too are building a business because you're passionate about what you do and driven by a deep desire to share your gifts in a way that serves others. 

Of course, we also want our businesses to provide us with the income we need to live comfortably and support ourselves.

But when our business isn't bringing in the results we expect, our brains go into problem-solving mode.

It’s easy to become laser-focused on our bottom line to the exclusion of all else.

This is a dangerous time because that’s when we’re most likely to try out marketing tactics that don't align with our values or how we want to show up online.

And when we do that, it's easy to fall into the trap of viewing our audience solely as potential revenue sources. 

But here's a crucial reminder to stop you in the tailspin: people are not ATMs.

Despite what most internet marketing gurus seem to be telling us.

In our quest for profitability, we sometimes lose sight of the bigger picture - our shared humanity. As Brené Brown, renowned researcher and author, eloquently puts it:


Diversity Drives Success

This wisdom applies to our businesses as well. 

I want to encourage you not to fall into the trap of marketing the way everyone tells you to if it feels wrong.

Your audience, like you, is multifaceted. They have diverse desires, needs, and experiences that shape who they are and how they interact with your brand.

They also have diverse ways to find you and connect with you. There is NOT only one way. Or a single best way.

I've been reflecting on this for myself and my business. I’m more than just a business coach for female founders. I practice coaching and meditation EVERY DAY because it’s my passion. I love to travel, work out, and I’m passionate about human equality and social justice. The more I share of myself with my clients and friends, the more people I connect with and the more abundant my life and business feel.

So I invite you to embrace and share your multifaceted self in your life and business. 


A Step by Step Guide to Marketing Strategies that Feel Good

The bigger question in this context is, how can you leverage this understanding to build a more authentic and profitable business?

  1. Embrace Your Complexity: Don't be afraid to show different facets of your personality. Are you a tech enthusiast who also loves meditation? A business coach with a passion for social justice? Share these aspects of yourself. It makes you relatable and memorable.
  2. Communicate Holistically: Move beyond purely transactional communication. Your audience wants to know you, not just your product or service. This doesn't mean you should stop making offers - after all, your work is valuable and needed. But frame these offers within a broader, more mission-driven context.
  3. Invite Genuine Connection: Encourage your audience to share about themselves too. This two-way interaction builds trust and fosters a community of loyal supporters who are more likely to invest in your offerings.
  4. Align Your Business with Your Values: When your work reflects your authentic self, it naturally attracts the right people - those who resonate with your message and approach.



How it Works

Building a profitable business doesn't mean sacrificing your authenticity. 

In fact, embracing your WHOLE self to work can be the key to overcoming your biggest challenges.

By showing up as your full, complex self in your business, you create space for meaningful connections. These connections, in turn, can lead to increased visibility, more aligned opportunities, and ultimately, the profitable, impactful business you envision.

Genuine connections and attract the right people who will become your biggest fans.


Next Steps

So, I invite you to reflect: How can you bring more of your authentic self into your business? What aspects of your personality or life experience might resonate with your audience? Email me to let me know - I'd love to hear from you!

Want to start implementing what you’ve just learned? Then sign up for an upcoming workshop: âžµ Click Here for Details and to Register 



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